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St George’s Church , Hardingham  100 Club.


The cost of maintaining a 800 yr old building is on going, and each Parish has to contribute an annual  Parish share to the Diocese towards clergy expenses. People expect their Church & Parson to be there for Weddings & Funerals, but sometimes they forget that expenses continue  all year long.


Over the last few years improvements have been made, internal decoration & lighting, and the provision of a meeting area at the back of the Church plus the addition of a wheelchair friendly WC and Kitchenette, better heating and maintenance  of the Graveyard.


If you join the 100 Club you are helping to keep this beautiful old Church to continue for a few more centuries.


Membership for one year is only £20/yr payable in January.


The quarterly prizes are as follows:-

 First Prize  £80

Three second prizes of £30

Two Third prizes of £20

And Two Fourth Prizes of £10.

The prizes may have to be adjusted if we do not have 100 members.



If you would like to join, please contact the Hardingham Church Treasurer:


Jane Howard, Summer Barn, Mill Road, Hardingham, NR9 4EH,

Tel. 01953 851215





I/We wish to join the Hardingham Church 100 Club,  please find enclosed cheque for £20 payable to St George’s Church, Hardingham .


Name --------------------------------------------


Address ---------------------------------------------



Tel. No. ---------------------------


Signature _____________________


Date -------------------------

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