Footpaths in Hardingham
There are a wealth of footpaths in and around Hardingham that are all well maintained for your enjoyment.
Please click here to access maps of the footpaths in the Parish.
There are several permissive footpaths around Hardingham and these are detailed at the start of each permissive way.
Enjoy the country and respect its life and work
Use gates and stiles to cross field boundaries
Fasten all gates
Keep dogs under close control on leads (and clear up behind them, poop scoop bags are available from Breckland council and there is a bin by the Memorial hall and the bus shelter when in that area, otherwise please take home)
Keep to the public footpaths across all farmland
Leave all livestock, machinery and crops alone
Take your litter home
Protect wildlife, plants and trees
Make no unnecessary noise
Walking in Norfolk has hundreds of FREE walks to download and print plus details of all the walking clubs in the country and loads more information.